When Lee was a little girl she had a best friend called Mouse.
No one could see Mouse and no one could hear Mouse.
Mouse loved Lee and Lee loved Mouse very much.
Lee can't tell you what Mouse looks like, because Mouse keeps changing his looks, but she reckons that most of the time he looks like this.
Unless was upset then he was angry, he looked like this.
When they were happy he looked like this.
Sometimes he was naughty and do things Lee knew would get them into trouble.
And when her mum said
"Lee did you take a bikky before dinner"
Lee would say
" No it was Mouse"
But no one believed her .
The best times where when they would go to bed at night and tell each other stories or when they would go to Grandmas house and she would read to them.
When Lee started school Mouse stayed quiet, as there were so many kids around, he couldn't get a word in.
But when they got home they would play and talk about school and make up the best stories.
Now Lee is called Mum. They are still the best of friends and Lee reckons that Mouse is very clever. In fact he is the smartest friend she has ever had. He still goes everywhere with her and he sits on her left shoulder so he can see better. And Mum doesn't have to worry about mouse getting stepped on.
We aren't too sure if there really is a Mouse, but you cannot argue with Mum.
When Clancy, Patrick and Joseph were little they had a friend called Dunno.

This is what Dunno looks like. Now Mum knows that Clancy and Patrick are very creative and Joseph is very practical. But Dunno was able to do things that even her cleverest best friend Mouse couldn't do.
So when Mum said,
"Who drank the last of the milk and put the carton back in the fridge?"
They would all say, "Dunno."
Or other times mum would say
"How many times have It told you to put rubbish in the rubbish bin ! Who left this on the lounge?"
And they would all say, "Dunno!"
It seems that Dunno was very naughty. He left things on the floor, didn't turn lights off and would hide the nail clippers and throw all the towels on the floor.
Then one day Mum asked,
"Who is Dunno?"
Clancy said he was their imaginary friend.
"Just like your friend Mouse." said Patrick.
And Joseph told mum how Dunno is very naughty and does all the stuff that gets them into trouble.

And Mum said, "Really.? Well since you are such GOOD children and wouldn't tell me fibs, I believe you."

Funny thing is, when they all left home, Dunno must have left with them. Now there is always milk, and no apple cores and the lights get turned off and the towel cupboard is full.
Sometimes I wish Dunno would come back, especially when I go through the rubbish bin.
However Mum is too smart.
She was sitting at the computer the other day and wearing her big hat and I heard her say,
" You know what Mouse? When I look back, I don't think there was such person as Dunno. I think Clancy and Patrick and Joseph made him up, so they wouldn't get into trouble. They were too old to have imaginary friends "
And I swear on the grave of Black Top, the greatest hound in history, I heard a little voice say,
"You are so right Lee, but they are intelligent and creative kids so you should give them some credit"
And Mum said " You are right Mouse. You always are."