Its seems there was a big wedding with a Duke and Duchess.
You would think as the Duchess of macs I would get an invite and I did , but I declined as the whole passport issue and who would I have to sit next to and blah blah blah made it a relief not to go.

Now I have a pedigree as long as your arm and its a good mix, which was why my dad was a champion and I was a very expensive pup. However I was more regal and racing was so beneath me and which meant I was destined for greater things.
The Kate Duchess has a good mix of mongrel fore bearers so that should keep away congenital things like hip dysplasia and heart disease.
But the William has a lot of worries, because of the centuries of interbreeding in his family. Despite one of his ancestors being looney they kept up the interbreeding until recently. Did you know his Nan, the queen and her husband are cousins?
And one of his other great great Nans started hemophilia , though the jury is still out whether it was a mutant gene or her dad didn't make her.
And lets not forget some of the bogan mixed breeds that married into the family. I have no idea how that cattle dog snuck in.
She bred the pups. There are serious genetic malfunctions happening there.
I hope this duchess knows that the title comes with responsibilities. Such as doing menacing poses on the beach so other dogs behave themselves.
Watching for cats on the beach
And rabbits around the lagoon.
You have to do surf reports,
a daily lagoon summary,

and then you have to guard the house.
See I dont think Royalty is necessarily bred and as far as I am concerned, this was the wedding of the century.
And these two have produced an empress who can out empress queen , princess or even a lady in oppy shops and she is great at arguing.
They made Marquess of music ( and calamity)
And a Lord of the Land ( and lads).
I hope Kate can be as good a Duchess as me. Its not a job for everyone and I have earned my title as the Duchess of Macs and they will have to earn theirs.
In fact I just had a thought. I think they should just get themselves a greyhound as soon as possible , otherwise it could be a disaster.