So our Friends Mick and Flo have gone to France and they said to Dad can you mind our chooks and Dad said yes.
And its been a madhouse ever since.
This is how it is every day.
They wake up and before the last hen has finished yawning , the white one says,
"I'm the boss!"

and biffs one of the other chooks.
"No I'm the boss!"
And biffs two other hens
Then they chase each other around the yard
"Hey come here! I'm the boss"
"My turn to lay an egg"
No my turn!

And OMG if one finds a worm its war!
'My worm!" BIFF
" No my worm " Biff
Would you beleive the worm got away? Geez I laughed and laughed
Dawnie and Sid ignore them as they just think they are stupid. Besides they are busy looking for food for Dawnies imaginary babies
But then it starts at night
"I'm in the middle"
No I'm in the middle!
Push shove OW! Push shove Ow! And it goes on and on and on until they go to sleep.!
Then we get some peace until the next day and it starts all over again.

And with that he went down his rabbit hole.
Now Sid and I have this love/hate relationship. I would love to eat him and he would hate it if I did, but I could so totally see Sid's point of view. This lot were over the top.
But none of us saw what was coming.
Dawnie was furious and she yelled like a footy coach
"Right you dumb rejects from KFC. I AM THE BOSS!!!" and with that she biffed them all.
She went through them like cyclone
Biff biff biff biff biff
I couldn't watch. She frightened me!
And it was only when the last feather settled was there peace in the chookyard.
Sid came out and said,
"You are the best wife a bunny could have"
And Dawnie said,
"That's because you are the best father of my imaginary babies Sid!"
And so in peace they went about their business .

Now I know that you are all thinking that Rosie is living in a mad camp and she could be spinning a yarn.
There is also a saying that truth is stranger than fiction and no one could make up what happens at our place.
And I wouldn't miss any of this reality for anything.