So Mum and Patrick have come home and I ignored them for about a second and then I couldn't help myself and then Dad told them there is a bunny in the bedroom that we are minding and that I have been trying to get at it, but that was because Dad hadn't fed me and I thought it could be my dinner and then Mum fed me and I thought the bunny was a new toy until Mum roused.
And then mum said how she missed me so much and how it was the right decision not to take me and how the dogs weren't even on at Wenty Park and how there is just like, NO beach at Glebe and with all the attention I would have attracted because of my beauty and my Serina Williams butt, it would have been too much.
All of it was so true but no beach at Glebe! What is
Sydney a third world country for dogs?
So here is Mums report on Sydney.
Sydney is looking sleek. It is alive with great energy that is brought by the people who go to it everyday. They are like the red blood cells coursing through the city's veins and without people the city is an empty shell, which led to her concern about affordable housing for all these people ( but that is a books worth)
She visited Town Hall and thought
"Hmmm. This really is a beautiful old building. However architecturally speaking it is good that Sydney is throwing off the cloak of colonial mediocrity and subservience and organically developing a modern Australian city that can be exactly what it wants"
Mum also went to the second level of Woolies. Her grandfather Joe help build the building. She says the second floor still smells like meat pie, chips, peas and gravy, from when she was a kid and her mum used to take her into the city.
She went to the new city Westfield.
"Where else can you get a coffee with a view of Castlereagh street and Hyde Park and the spires of St Mary's?"
And she got really lost in her thoughts and started thinking of how "consumption" is the old word for tuberculosis and it was incurable and nowadays we have a new type of incurable consumption, only it to do with the gathering of goods and debt is killing us and that's scary too.
Then she heard a noise that she thought would rupture her ear drum.
It was a baby crying.
She looked at this poor thing and it was pretty brand new. She thought that at 50 years of age she could say to the mother.
"What of earth bloody possessed you to bring a new born to the city on a stinking hot day and even more bring it into this cesspit breeding ground of germs and viruses?"
Then she thought
' First time mother deluded into thinking she can have it all.. I will give her a break"
Then she decided she will wait till she is 51 to have the pleasure of sharing her self opinionated grumpy old lady thoughts with people who don't want to hear.
Then she went looking for a toilet in Westfield.
There were plenty of signs, but no toilets. She knew she wasn't the problem as she kept meeting the same women looking for a toilet on different floors.
She said it was like 100 women doing the Amazing Race.
When she did find one there was an armchair outside the cubicles. Yes the cubicles. Mum reckons you would be pretty desperate to sit there reading the paper in a cloud of flatulence and Eau de Par fum .
Mum didn't like Westfield specifically , as it was a shrine to consumerism paid for by the debt of people not knowing every aspect of the word enough.
BUT, what disgusted her the most was that here was NOT ONE oppie in there. And this was the city shopping centre that claimed to have it all.
When mum came home she wrote an email to Westfield about the poor signage of the toilets and how the shop owners who pay shitloads in rent would not like it if their customers left, because of the same and what about the tourists who dont speak English. She felt better and she is hoping they will shut her up with a gift voucher. She said she is tainted with consumersim too.
Mum has a brilliant mind and it never shuts down and she has lots of pondering that she wants me to blog, but my paws are buggered.
So instead we have been down the beach and I have been swimming and mum has has clean salt air cooling and calming her mind down and she been happy and at peace and all is good in our corner of the world. And sometimes its the simple things that make the rest look unimportant.
I think Sydney is good for mum to escape to every now and then, but she is better off up here with me and dad and the beach.
Your mum makes the best faces Rosie.[and the best stories].I just love them.