So the other day me and mum were down the beach and I was running in my usual way, that attracts many comments from an adoring crowd, when I went to make a graceful leap from the sand dune and landed badly and as mum said came a cropper.

And I was very very injured and I couldn't walk and there was blood everywhere and Mum burst into tears and lucky Alice the Vet was there and she said
"Take Rosie to Hound ED she needs stitches"

And I ended up with 5 staples and I am very sore and sorry. But at least the vet didn't shove a thing up my bum like he did last time (Weirdo!!)
And Mum and Dad made made lay down in their room they were so worried.
After wards Dad came in and said,
" I know I am not to give you snacks but you have to keep your strength up"
And I said "OK

And then Patrick came in and said, "I know you cant have snacks, but you have been terribly iunjured and could be anaemic so have a few bikkies" And I said "Allright if you insist"

Then Joseph came in and said 'Oh Rosie you look so weak , here is a liver treat'
And I said "I will try."
Then mum said "Rosie do you think you could manage a little dinner?"
And I tried,
And I persisted,
The bone was a bit tricky with my sore back leg, but I eventually did it.
And they all said what a brave and tough hound I was managing all that. And that I will get better even quicker if I keep it up.
Well I do have to do my bit for the family dont I?
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