I live in a chook yard with the girls. Luke made the big yard out of a school fence and colour bond roof and he has been my inspiration with building.
Now Mum has a jasmine growing over it to give us that beach tropical holiday feel.
I have my own bunny burrow. and as an owner builder I am very pleased with my work
This is the front door, that leads onto a lounge room , home theater and kitchen/ dining ( which is actually next door)
This is the door that leads to my master suite with en suite, walk in robe and dressing room.
Its a great burrow and very relaxing when I need my "me" time.
I can see you thinking why would the blokiest bunny in all bunny dome need "me time"?
Being the head buck bunny in the hen house is very tiring.
There are always fights over who gets to lay eggs in the nesting box and I have to sort that.

Then there is Dawnie who gets clucky twice a year and thinks I am the father of her imaginary babies. That I can cope with because I love Dawnie and I don't want her to have to go to the mental shed for chooks.
Then there are the bludging wildlife who think the chook yard is a good lurk for a free feed.
" Hey Sid! got any seed going?"
"Ive told your before you psychedelic sparrow there is nothing here for you now bugger off"

" Come in here Norman and you will be the bloody worm food "
And there are the doves. Thick as two planks. They don't do anything . but sit and look. I think they know there is food there but they arnt sure how to get it since Doreen took ones nose off.
And there is Rosie's yobbo mates who are ' ooowaahh big hunters" until I yell in my Chopper Reid voice that
"If 'you don't piss off I will castrate you again and everyone will call you a poodle"
And then there is Rosie. Rosie and I have a love/hate relationship. I love to wind her up and she hates it.
Sometimes Mum opens the gates and lets the girls out for some grass.
I go out too and I yell
"Hey Rosie I am outside!"
Then I race under the fence next door and down my burrow.

It takes Rosie at least 5 minutes to wake up and then she is off.
And she
spends every
waking hour for
DAYS looking for me.
And then she finds out I have been in the yard all the time.
The girls and me just laugh and laugh.

But not too much as Mum gets the shits and threatens us all with time out. Together.
Its good Mum takes her walking so she thinks she is a real hunter even if she chases butterflies.
And that's why we love Rosie. She will let a person come in and rob the place, but at least the beach is safe from insects.
That is when she is awake of course.
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