So this is me taking Muv for her walk to the beach and the lagoon
It is about here I tell her to unleash me, because she is a big girl and can walk on her own...............especially when she has the camerera.
Waiting..................... " Yes Muv they are very cute kookaburras. "
" Yes Muv the baby does make a very cute sound when it is learning to kooka, but we have to get moving."
Finally ! She doesn't realise how many pee mails I have to check
And we are on the beach, well almost. Seems Fat Lilly has been past and warned of a poodle.
When on the beach I start getting ready for a hound surf
But every now and then I get a friend and I don't want a friend because hound surfing is serious and I cant look after a dog.
And I nicely say " Off you go and find a labaradoodle or a hoochineez or a bull chihuahua or a shitzhead or some dog to play with while I am surfing. "
And they usually go because they respect my niceness.

Finally I get to start surfing and

And sometimes my friend comes back. So I decide it isn't a local dog because locals understand me very clearly.
And I have to make it clearer so I say very calmly and quietly
" *&*%$!!!! _)(***&+^%$##$#!!!!)&%###
And they get it and I now have time to surf. And I do feel for them. They have probably never seen a hound before and it can be dazzling.
This is me surfing.
Whilst I was surfing I looked up and this dog was chasing the life saver buggy and his hoom was trying to catch him and he kept running around. What a hoot.
And then I realised I had ANOTHER friend only this was Louie the pug. Louie's hoom and Muv were talking. This means ages so the best way to sort out Louie is to sit so he cannot do sniffing. That is all his is interested in as he cant catch me.
Finally he goes and I get get on with my hound-coat- abrasion treatment to keep my coat shiny .........................
until this, this what ever turns up. Once again I have to growl saying Muv would use it for a buff cloth if it didn't stop jumping in my face and leave me alone. And it ran away.
Finally on my own and I saw him.
And Muv saw him and said "Whoo hoo Duchess he is gorgeous ( she didn't
have her clear vision glasses on) But I love Pater more and no one would ever compare. " Meanwhile this he hoom was running toward us.
And I looked more, because I am a sight hound and Mum is as blind as a bat without her multi-fowcal-erys glasses. And I was right......................
It was Pater !!!! Muv yelled out ,"Pater what are you doing?
And he yelled back
" I am reading a book, what do you think I am doing?' And Muv says to me 'why doesn't he understand what I mean, not what I say?"
Now here is where a Duchess has to think quick on her feet with analyzation. Pater wasnt chasing a bunny or a cat. Muv wasnt runnning so he wasnt chasing her. And then I got it. He was running to find me because he missed me. So this is what a hound has to do to keep their hoomans in good stead.
You run around him and pounce and woof "Who's a good boy?"

Keep running and say "You're a good boy! Yes you are!"
Make sure he bends his knees to come down to you.
Keep running and woofin saying how a Duchess loves her Pater.
Then go up and say "Smooge time!"
And let him scratch your head. Its good for his hands.
And then when you have had enough you go in the lagoon and say,
"Ok Pater I have to have my swim now. I cant play any more. Off you go and find some friends to play with and run ( why?) with. I will be home soon."
And you watch them run off into the crowd
knowing they are happy.
On the last part of our walk its slow as Muv is a bit puffed and overexcited from seeing Pater run on the beach even though I had to take care of him. I let her put the leash on me otherwise she would get lost .
And when we get home even though I need a lay down, I think about how much I love my family, even though they are a lot of work, but , it is love with work. I find communication is the key. I woof and they know exactly what needs to happen. Its all quite simple really.