Tuesday, January 20, 2015

So the other  day it was very very hot and Muv says we cant walk as your paws will melt
And I said Muv I have to go for a swim or I will melt away and run down the drain and you will neva see me again.

And Muv said I would let that happen . We can cool you down.  No we wont give you a bath but we we can hose you down which is very cooling.

Now Mum has done this before and it is cooling ,

but she thinks its like this

But its really like this I swear.  
So here  is the Duchess's way of managing hooms and their hosing,

 After the hosing has been done walk up and down the path way and drag your side along the nice rendered and painted wall till you leave a big wet stripe then drop.

Then plonk yourself on  the footpath which is slightly muddy and lay there licking yourself and look sad .

Then slowly walk in the back door dripping and give a small shake so it hits the floor and chair.

Then in the lounge room and give a really big shake so mums precious cupboard and the hooman sofa is soaked and the floor is wet.

Continue walking out to the front verandah and shake and shiver as you go.

Finally one big shake on the deck an on your sofa , for me the only sofa I have left after they threw out my uvver one

The say to your hoom when she has finished moppin and emptied the bucket

" gee Muv I want another one tomorrow"

I guarrantee you will be down the beach

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