Friday, July 22, 2011

The rain never stops and I am stuck inside.

Can you believe it has been raining for days and I have been stuck inside.

Four days!!

Mum wont go out.

 She said it is raining so hard the retaining wall is a waterfall
 And its pouring over the flooded shed floor

The shed is underwater

And that the side of the house is a gully for the hills runoff,
and did I really  want to go out?

And I said " How hard is it to stop the rain?"

                                                                                                                                                   And she took me to the front verandah to show me the rain and I said
" A sprinkle, you can make it stop"

Mum then said,
"I can do a lot of things but I cannot make it stop.Besides the beach is a mess."

And I said " I bet Dad can make it stop because he is a good builder and does maths"

And Mum said , "Right "Miss My dad can do anything" , get in the car we are off to the Beach."

My head went up " I love the beach"
And off we went.

And she said , "Off you go.  Where would you like to swim? Here? "

"Out there with the black dot of a human?"

"or in the Rock Pool that's under water and getting hammered by the waves?"

When we got home all I could do was sulk as I am sure Dad could fix it.

 So for three days I was  bored

So bored.

I am so bored I am dying of boredom.

That's it my legs have seize up and I cannot walk
 I hope mum is feeling guilty,

I can even roll because I am so bored.

And then I heard Dad yell;
"Lee the sun is out, I am going down the beach, How about I take Rosie.?"

And I was off.

Oh I ran, I sniffed,

I even checked out the new macmasters totem

And raced a bull dog around the lagoon.

And when we got home Dad gave me cooling down massage.

And I said to Mum just before I fell asleep
"I knew Dad could stop the rain"

Sometimes I think  mum is a little too sensitive to criticism.

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