As you will have noticed I havent been around and able to write because I have been a very busy hound and mum hogs the computer and all that stuff. But today . Today was a big day.
It started off when Mum said
"Guess what Rosie! We are going to the Hound Beauticians"
I knew by her cheezy smile and her happy happy voice, that I was going to get my nails clipped.
" No no no ! No way am I going to those butchers"
" They will give you lots of bribes and cuddles and you will look beautiful and you will run faster."
" No, nup , no way. I'm not going"
If you don't get up now I am going to tell Sid you're a sook and he will call you a poodle.
Thats the problem with Mum , she is a very good bluffer and you cannot tell if she would really do it, so off we went.
When we walked in, I saw this...................................
then this ,
And I thought ,
'This isnt going to be good'
They took me to the bench. When I saw the clippers I chickened out. So I did what has always worked at the vet. I jumped and whinged and quivered. I knew that they would then give up. But they didn't. I must of wriggled and jumped for a whole minute, but I was defenseless, because they kept giving me bribes and patting me and telling me how beautiful I am. What could I do? I couldn't disagree so I gave them a break and they cut my nails.
You know it really wasn't that bad and next time we go back I want them painted as well and maybe a little glitter..... .
But I didnt tell Mum that. Instead I laid on the lounge and went
'Oh my sore feet! I have been crippled! How could you do that to me?'
That was until Mum said we should go for a walk and smooth the edges of my nails on sand.
And today we went a different way and as usual Mum interrupted my pee-mail checks by stopping to take photos of the black swans. She just loves them.
She made us climb a big hill as she wants to get fitter and it took ages to get to the beach, but we did get there.
I saw my mate Sheila and when we were swimming she asked me where I got my nails done as they looked so good.
I told her Precious Pets at Avoca and how "like everyone, who is anyone goes there.
I told her that looking at her coat, a wash cut and blow dry might be in order.
On the way home mum picked up the biggest bit of weed all tangled up in fishing line and that upset her as it is very dangerous
"and it could kill all the whales and dolphins and sea birds and her precious black swans..................."
But I had stopped listening because there it was.

Looking at me
Looking at it
Looking at me.
And when I couldnt look any more, I turned to Mum and said " I cant look any more mum. Its wrong to stare."
And as we walked away I said to Mum.
" That is is the UGLIEST bunny I have ever seen!. Don't tell Sid as it could be a relative of his."
I told mum that
"Bewtween the hound beautican and that bunny I will probably have nightmares tonight"

I think Mum needs an early night because when she gets tired she gets so stressed. Woof!
Dear Rosie. It's good to see you post again, and I'm sure you look very glam from your trip to the beauty parlour. Could you please tell Toby (the wonder wuss) that getting your nails cut really doesn't hurt and he doesn't need to scream so loud the neighbours come to see whats wrong. It's embarassing.
I will not as that is exactly what he should be doing unless you have plenty of bribes that he likes