Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Baldy and Peter's grand design

So you know how I told you Blady went all girly and wanted to be a mother.

And all Peter wanted to do was hang around the humans and get smooged.

Well Peter  finally got it.  As in him being a boy bird and Baldy being a girl and what the whole purpose of spring is.

But he is a bit thick on the reno front and Baldy is a bit special.

She thought Mums grandmothers antique jardinier would be a good place to set up a nest.

And Peter thought a drawer in the desk would be better.

So Mum gave in and put a nesting box in as she couldnt stand the fights.

They are now renovating and there has been more fighting than loving.

"Peeeeeeeeter! I dont like the colour,  the kitchen, the bathroom and I there is a hole in the roof."


And Peter just stands outside singing love songs , hoping it will get her in the mood. Oh boy he is thick.

She wants curtains , he wants a shed, she wants soft furnishings and he wants a theatre room and this is all before anyone has done anything towards making eggs.

But finally after a lot of hard work he got it right

And he has to spend his time singing and persuading her to be a mother. its part of cockateil love rules


And now she is being difficult because she still loves Lorrikeet Bob,

And he just sings and  sings and sings.                                        

And people whinge about barking dogs.

If this is love then I am very glad that I am desexed.

Oh and did I tell you Mum says Peter should be called lightening as he never strikes the same place twice. And thats why they havent any eggs.
I dont know what lightening has to do with it.
I just want some peace.

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