Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mum's Garage Sale

Mum is having a garage sale.

She was going to sell this...........................
But she changed her mind.

She was going sell this, but she changed her mind.

Then she was going to put this out, but she thought no.

She went to put this out, but she couldn't bear it and kept it.

Finally she found some glass and put it back.

 So I thought I would help her and I put this out.


Geez I laughed and laughed.

Mum didn't laugh and the cockateils are crying.

And Mum kicked me outside to think about what I had done

And I said to Sid  "Did you see what I did to the cockateils?"

And Sid laughed and laughed and said
"You are a bloody legend Rosie"

Sometimes Mum doesn't have a sense of humour when it comes to the cockateils.She didn't believe me when I said it was a joke .
But it was so worth being misunderstood.

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