Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dog school

So today Mum and me started dog school.  And believe me Mum needs some training.
Mum told them I couldn't sit as I was built wrong but after and hour of being led around and given food, I had enough and sat down. 

Here is one I did whilst mum wasn't looking.

And Mum and the lady started jumping up and down and telling me how clever I was.  And then said it was home time.

 I said to  Mum.  "Run. Do not walk."

"There are some serious freaks there."

Then we went down the beach and mum said,

"Rosie come here."

 And I said
"Come what?"

And then Mum said,
"Rosie come here."

And I  said "Go where?"

And mum said. " Rosie come here!" and waved a bag of the best dog food.

And so I went up to mum and she gave me some food.

Every time she called me, she gave me food. They taught her that at school. 

Mum was so happy that I kept coming up to her and letting her give me food that she even let me chase the ducks, but I was a bit tired.  Training mum is very hard work.


"'MMM -MMM yummoh, I smell duck a l'orange"

""Piss off you big poodle"

" Just waiting for you to fatten up quackers."

Mum says I am gifted , but I think mum learns pretty quickly too.

Its exhausting training Mum , but she wants to go to school again next week, so I will take her.

After all

Happy Mum makes a

Happy hound.

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