"Guess what Rosie? Oh you will never guess ! We are having a visitor coming for a night time sleep . Can you guess who it is? Can you? Can you? "
My heart went into my throat and I thought it might have been Big Richard the handsomest hound in the universe,
and Mum said no.
Them I said
"Might be Lightening Leo whose dash and speed make me go all a quiver?"
And Mum said "Rosie be serious"
And then she said
"Its SIMBA!!!!!!!!!"
Not this kind of Simba.
This kind.
So when he got here I though I would set him straight.
I said
'Simba. There is a pecking order and goes like this top to bottom.
Mum, Dad, me, Sid, Chooks"
And Simba said
"And I have my own room and I don't share"
"And eat my bones here"
"And you eat yours here"
" Sure"
And Sid said
"Simba no harassing the girls. "
"No problems Sid."
As it turns out, Simbah is a great guy.
Very respectful. A great guest. He even took a share of guard duty and he took it seriously.
And Simba tells some great jokes. He had me in stitches.
In fact the little guy turned out to be great. He was one cool terrier type and not a yap in him.
So the next day when he went home. I think we all missed him a little.
Until mum told me he lives across the road. Fancy that!
"Some days I swear Rose has been drinking the toilet cleaner"
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