And I have to say that me and mum did JUST about everything they wanted us to do.
With a few exceptions.
They wanted me to get in the car and sit while mum took off my lead.
And I did.
Then they wanted me to wait patiently whilst mum re opened the car door put my lead on .
And I did.
Then they wanted me to hop out of the car and sit whilst mum closed the door.
And mum said
'"Its a hot day. Do you really expect a dog to put its butt on hot asphalt ? Rosie is standing here quietly"
They did agree that Mum had a point.
I just thought "OH DER!" It wasn't their bum they wanted to burn.
Then they wanted me to "sit and stay". Now as you and especially mum can appreciate, sitting isn't natural to greyhounds, and since I had done the "walk/sit" , "walk /stop/ sit" and then "down".
THEN "sit /waiting" for mum to go through a gate, then walk through the gate and "sit", my back had had enough and even though greyhounds have a flexible spine we are not contortionists.
So I dropped down like this.
But NO that wasn't good enough!
I had to sit.
And to be frank neither my heart nor mums heart was in it as greyhounds are not tailored to sit.
And I was doing the "down and stay". I was "down" and waiting quietly for mum to walk away and then come back and give me food.
On the fourth try I did sit but it was hot and we were in a paddock and I had enough so I dropped down half way through mum coming back. We got through 75% of the task with me sitting.
I figured that I had done everything so it shouldn't be a big deal. And neither did mum and she said
" I am not going to make her sit any more. She is down and quiet."
Now this made very good sense to me.
Me and mum figured that 99.75 was a very good pass.
Then when they said they were going to hand out the graduation certificates, the examiner came up and told mum that we had failed because I didn't "sit/stay", I only did "down /stay"
They said we could come back for more lessons, but we would have to do the whole assessment again, not just the one bit. And I would be in Topsy's class.
Now Topsy is a very shy hound who isn't as confident as me. Mum and me looked over to where she was and the trainer was pushing on her butt making her sit.

And you know what ...........up until today I have never seen Mum cry cause she was so angry.
She said
"Greyhounds are not made to sit!"
She grabbed me , her bag and we jumped in the car.
And on the way home She was calling them
"dog Nazi's", said they
"suffered from breed ism" and that it was
'typical of that type of person who works well in an institution that caters for the masses and not the individual" and
"we are never never going there as they will compel me to sit when its not natural" and
"its like making mum stand on her head"
She used all sorts adjectives or was it expletives to describe their attitude. Her ears went red and her eyes watered. She said that it wasn't that we failed, but why and then unreasonableness of it all.
And how dare that woman say that standing in a paddock in the middle of the day is good for me so I can socialize with other dogs when the cow doesn't know about our Macs dogs and owners who we meet at the beach.
I said to mum that she should have told them how I caught two waves this week in the surf, but mum said that she think the waves caught me...........
HOWEVER it would be wasted breath on that sort of person and she would only be accused of living vicariously through the achievements of a gifted hound.
I tell you I have never seen Mum so outraged

It was the longest 5 minute drive I have ever had.
When we got home we went down the beach.
And mum said that between the magical restorative powers of the sea......................
And the lagoon, she came to her senses.
Plus a healthy dose of bagpipe, rock , pop and classical music has calmed her down.
After all she said
"Doesn't need a certificate to tell us that I am the best greyhound bitch in Macmasters Beach".
And I don't need one to tell me she is the best crazy old one.
You can make your own certificate anyway Rosie..
ReplyDeletemum says we are home schooling now and that this summer she and I are going to learn to swimm in the surf.