. When me and mum walk, the last leg is around the lagoon so Mum can soak up the atmos ( short for atmosphere).

First we walk along the creek that backs onto our street. Lots of good sniffing and dog email there,.
Then we get to the bottom of the creek and the park and where Mr Alan Macmaster has his head stone , but he isn't buried there, but mum says hi anyway as he could be hanging around.
Mums says the paperbarks with the sun shining through them are beautiful. I agree. If was a boy dog I would want to tag everyone of them.
Then we walk along the beach.
Mum reckons these rocks are Macs version of some apostles only ours our older as they are worn down.
Sometimes they are hidden under heaps of sand.
And sometimes I meet some chums and have a run.
And then we walk along the lagoon and I swim and run.
Mum says the wetlands give her a sense of calm.
She says there is changing beauty every day and if you listen carefully the she-oaks sing with the breeze, calling you to just look and wonder. Even this she-oak that died, is a memorial to its once upon a time splendour.
Wetlands always make her happy.............that is until yesterday.
We were walking along the beach and I thought this person wanted a race and so I followed.
"ROSIE!!!!!!" Roooooooooosie. Rosie. Rossssssie"
It was like a little annoying voice. And I thought it could be mum but if I ignore it it will go away.
And it did.
After a while I thought it could have been Mum and everytime I turned around she was yelling something only I couldnt hear her and she was waving her arms, so I thought she was saying,
So I did.
And it wasnt until I turned around and saw mum throwing a ball to ANOTHER dog that I thought I should go back.
I can tell you when I went back Mum wasnt very happy and she was a terrible shade of purple and she was beathing funny and she put me on the leash and we walked very fast and mum didnt feel peaceful and happy from the wetlands.
I AM IN DEEP CAT POO which is worse than poodle poo, duck poo and rabbit poo combined!!!!
And we are going to have more lessons That means no snacks during the day so I will behave for Schmackos.
Mmm Rosie, sounds like you might have given your mum a bit of a tough time there, best you be really really good for at least a day, maybe you could help her by getting the washing off the line...