So you know how we have three chooks
Baby because she is a bit of a baby. And when the humans call her she says
"Who is Baby?"
One day I rescued her and brought her to mum and you would have thought I was going to eat her by the way she carried on. AND mum said there wasn't a mark on her.
Little Lav loves Sid. She smooges up to him all the time.
And then there is Dawnie.
When she isn't doing her hair
She is clucky and sitting on eggs that will never hatch . Sid has told her over and over about the bunnys' and the chooks but she just gets possessed and wants babies.
I have heard him say
"Dawnie, you stupid hen!! You need a feller in your life in the form of a rooster to have babies and we don't have one.!"
But she doesn't listen and just keeps sitting.
Mum reckons one day she may just have to get her some fertilised eggs and once she has had kids she wont want to do it again. But Sid says not to.
So you would think it would be enough for a bunny and a greyhound to keep and eye on?
No They went and got two more. We now have Doreen
And Olive.
Now Dawnie is in a dither. She really has a instinct to be a mum , but she has her career in 1980's feather styling to consider and now she has two more customers and she just talk and talks and talks.
Sid is going mad. So he made a decision.
Sid has built then biggest bunny hole with master bedroom and en suit. He has a theatre room and the hole is too small for any chook to get down and disturb him. He is an engineering genius.
He said ( and his voice sounds a bit like Fred Flintstone with out the American accent)."if I don't get a little me time I am going to go mad'
And with that he went down the hole.
And mum said she would let the chooks out more to give Sid a breather .
And I am going to surprise mum by looking after them!!!!
No wonder mum says she is lucky to have me!
Mum should get you some "Seabrights" Rosie. The fastest, hardest to catch chooks engineered.