Correct me if I am wrong, but today a bunch of men ran around a paddock chasing a ball. It was called a grand final. I can get that chasing balls are fun. What worries me is that one lot thought they were
And the other lot thought they were chooks or specifically
And to make matters worse there where a lot of people watching
and they were all thinking the same thing, It was like a mass delusion.
And I thought to myself.
"Its just a game and they are crying."
What a bund of sooks.
I never cried when I lost races.
Little lavender never cried when she got stuck in the bunny hole and had to be rescued by Joseph.
Even Peter doesnt cry when he fails target practise with Baldy.
And I especially didnt cry when the honey container got stuck on my face and they had to pull it off and half my whiskers got pulled out.
And even though I thought it is the most horrible thing you could do to a hound, I dont cry when they give me a bath.
So I think these delusional football players need to (as Uncle Peter says) go to bunnings and buy a tin of harden the fuck up. Its humiliating to roosters and dragons to carry on like that. And as a greyhound its embarrassing to watch.
Thanks goodness I have a normal human family.
spoken like a rabbid "dogs" follower Rosy posy