Saturday, January 14, 2012


Its holiday time here at Macs.
And when the weather is fine and the sharks are hiding , people are everywhere.  They are holding back a bit with the sharks, but that doesn't bother us as there is less crowds.

And all their dogs want to play with me and swim with me because I am such a beach chick hound.

And because of my beauty and athlectic-ness  a lot of people wanted to know about greyhounds.

And you know mum. She will tell them.

Over and over and over.

Sometimes I just sit as I get so bored and because Mum thinks it will ruin my spine, we get moving. Mum is such a good learner.
And we had some sadness.  Keg the best Staffy in Macs died.  Everyone loved Keg as he was so fat he couldn't chase anyone. But that didn't stop him trying. He is buried in his beloved front yard so at night he can still bark at passers by.  He had a great farewell. Everyone brought flowers and candles.

Meanwhile all the locals are exhausted by being the there to feed into the tourist expectations.

The cormorants are over posing for the sunset silhouette, even though it has all the camera people going ooh and aah with their stunning-ness. They are threatening to get the fruit bats to come over and cover their mouths with red lippy and pretend to be vampires.

Saw Terry on a walk and he was too pooped from not smiling, because his lot dont.  He thought he might blend into the pole.  Told him he was doing a great job as me and mum couldn't see him. I think that made him happy, but you cant tell.
Elvis was buggered by the first week in January.  Its hard being the only egret on the lagoon and he thought if he sat on the dead tree, people would think he was a cormorant. Then he thought he could pretend to be a white vulture, but in the end he just sat and told the kiddies to naff off or he would peck their eyes out.  He was stressed.

The pelicans have buggered off because the tourists at the Entrance throw fish instead of bread.

Helga is pretending to be a seagull instead of a white face heron.

Kris is pretending to be a duck .

And the ducks are getting so fat from so much bread that they will start to sink.

Meanwhile the Edward and Wallis Wagtail are raising their babies.

All day they go
Mum!Mum! Mum! Mum! Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum!

Or they yell dad, dad, dad dad, dad, dad

Now that they are out of the nest they just yell all day.

But Mum is stoked that all three have made it so far. 

The same with the magpies and their kids.  Mum reckons magpies get the bird parenting award for putting up with the constant screeching of babies wanting worms.

Speaking of parents, we have had a heap of family up. Some brought their human  pups up.

 They also brought their dog Bear Up.

Now I don't know much about human pups, but I know they are fast and you have to watch them all the time as they are slippery.

So to give Bear a holiday we took turns sitting on  the veranda. It meant less "me' time but those pups are quick.

One night Joe came home late and Bear barked like a manic German shepherd. Scared the poop outta him. Me and Bear just laughed and laughed. 

Joe took it really well  too. He just laughed and laughed.  Just look at him.

They have all gone now and as tired as I am it is very quiet with out them,


Gives us a few days and I think I can handle more love and adoration .  Well someone has to receive it don't they?

Meanwhile its my turn to put the fin on and go down the the beach and swim around.


  1. that is so excellent Rosie, your Mum takes the best bird shots..'specially the wee Willie wagtail babies.

  2. Do you know how Looooong it took her to do it? The littlest things make her happy.

  3. dont tell mum about the shark fin. Me and the other dogs take turns to swim around. just enought to get the tourists going.

  4. We're so jealous!
    Where's our blog?!
    Gin & Tonic xo

  5. It was last year when the lagoon got opened. If I cant find it then i shall write another about the fearsome Tenacious Russell Twins
