Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mums bum

So you know how mums brain is buggered.

And she has to take a lot of pills so she doesn't end up a puddle on the floor.

 She is very upset.

Because despite lap banding.,

And walking me every day.

She has put on weight.     "Its the pills." She said

"Yes Mum"

"I looked it up they mess around with your metabolism."

"Yes Mum"

"And now I have an elephants butt"

"Well I think that's an exaggeration. Maybe a hippo's mum"

And that's when she said it. "Right we are walking faster and further and harder.  We are going up the Tudibarring track."

And I said'
"Did you say the Tudibaring track?"

"Have you seen how steep the Tudibaring track it"
And you know what she said?

She said "Yep" Just "Yep."

So I told Sid

"Hey Sid! Mum is really upset that despite all our walking and having lap banding she is putting on weight and now she is saying we are going to do the Tudibaring track every day, even though its the bloody pills"

"Did she say the Tudibaring track? She is either serious or mad!"

"Well its either the Tudibaring track or she gives up the pills and you know what happens  if  she does that."

"Take her up Tudibaring track for all of us."

"So to all of you out there is blog land, what  I am going to do with mum is for all of us.  If you see no sign of us by dark send out the hounds."

1 comment:

  1. "tudibaring track" waite till mum discovers SUPing is lifes answer
